domingo, 17 de febrero de 2013


Typical dishes of the region are:

  • Juane: It is a stew prepared with rice, gooseflesh,olives, egg, seasoned and   wrapped in banana leaves,is the main dish at the festival of San Juan.
  •  Inchicapi:Chicken soup very consistent,made with cornmeal,peanuts, garlic, onion, cilantro, salt, and cassava.
  •  Sarapatera: Soup prepared with meat motelo, garlic, onion, green banana.
  • Nina Juane: Grilled Juane prepared with eggs and chicken.

  •       Tacacho:Prepared with roasted green bananas, crushed and kneaded with pork rinds.Usually served hot to taste its flavor,combined with grilled beef jerky.
  •             Cecina: dried and salted pork, charcoal grilled or grilled.
  •       Chonta Salad: Prepared chonta base that is the heart of a palm,with lemon sauce
  •              PicadilloPaiche: The dry paiche is cooked and shredded,combining with regional vegetables
  •      Timbuche:broth concentrate from fish.
  •      Patarashca:seasoned with cilantro, garlic, onion, salt,wrapped with bijao and roast to charcoal.
  •             Inchicucho: prepared from corn, peanuts and chili.


  •      Masato: Typical drink very delicious when fresh, two to four days. Stored over 5 days produces a very strong alcohol. Made from boiled and pounded cassava, fermented with molasses or sugar.

  • ·         Shibe:Delicious drink made with farina (cassava fermented and roasted) and Brazilian-Peruvian Amazonian origin, being very nice and food.

  •       Ventisho: Sugarcane Juice ground the same day that should be drunk within three to six days. The region consumes this drink alone or combining it with cassava or pijuayomasato.

  •     Guarapo: Cane juice boiled for several days stored in glass jars or jugs to ferment. Drinkingitabundantly produces intoxication.

  • ·         Chuchuhuasi: Preparation based on bark of the tree of the same name, macerated in brandy.

  •    Sevenraices: Prepared with different crusts as Cumaceba, clavohuasca, Marure, huacapurana, huchuhuasi, cocobolo, ipururo, sweetened with honey and macerated in brandy.

  •        Coconachado: prepared with fruit "Cocona" sugar and brandy.

Fruitproductionin Iquitos

Thefruitconsumed inIquitosareaguaje, carambola, passion fruit, lucuma,mamey,maushan, Cucumber Melon, pitajaya, Purpuro,pineapple, banana.

Types of peppers:
charapita chili, sweet chili, chili, chili malagueta, mirasol chili, chili pucunucho

Carrots, cabbage, greenbeans, peppers, tomatoes, cassava

Types of meat:

Consumed infish productionpaicheIquitos, carachama, catfish, boquichico, tarpon, among others.


Livestock productionasbovine and boar:

Other animals likelizards. Also consumedinsectslikesuriandsapaSiqui:
 Prepared with different crusts as Cumaceba, clavohuasca, Marure, huacapurana, huchuhuasi, cocobolo, ipururo, sweetened with honey and macerated in brandy.

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